8 research outputs found

    Intervertebral Disc Structure and Mechanical Function Under Physiological Loading Quantified Non-invasively Utilizing MRI and Image Registration

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    The intervertebral discs (IVD) functions to permit motion, distribute load, and dissipate energy in the spine. It performs these functions through its heterogeneous structural organization and biochemical composition consisting of several tissue substructures: the central gelatinous nucleus pulposus (NP), the surrounding fiber reinforced layered annulus fibrosus (AF), and the cartilaginous endplates (CEP) that are positioned between the NP and vertebral endplates. Each tissue contributes individually to overall disc mechanics and by interacting with adjacent tissues. Disruption of the disc\u27s tissues through aging, degeneration, or tear will not only alter the affected tissue mechanical properties, but also the mechanical behavior of adjacent tissues and, ultimately, overall disc segment function. Thus, there is a need to measure disc tissue and segment mechanics in the intact disc so that interactions between substructures are not disrupted. Such measurements would be valuable to study mechanisms of disc function and degeneration, and develop and evaluate surgical procedures and therapeutic implants. The objectives of this study were to develop, validate, and apply methods to visualize and quantify IVD substructure geometry and track internal deformations for intact human discs under axial compression. The CEP and AF were visualized through MRI parameter mapping and image sequence optimization for ideal contrast. High-resolution images enabled geometric measurements. Axial compression was performed using a custom-built loading device that permitted long relaxation times outside of the MRI, 300 m isotropic resolution images were acquired, and image registration methods applied to measure 3D internal strain. In conclusion, new methods to visualize and quantify CEP thickness, annular tear detection and geometric quantification, and non-invasively measure 3D internal disc strains were established. No correlation was found between CEP thickness and disc level; however the periphery was significantly thicker compared to central locations. Clear distinction of adjacent AF lamellae enabled annular tear detection and detailed geometric quantification. Annular tears demonstrated non-classic geometry through interconnecting radial, circumferential, and perinuclear formations. Regional strain inhomogeneity was observed qualitatively and quantitatively. Variation in strain magnitudes might be explained by geometry in axial and circumferential strain while peak radial strain in the posterior AF may have important implications for disc herniation

    The Golden Rule:Interfaith Peacemaking and the Charter for Compassion

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    The Charter for Compassion has been signed by over two million people from around the world and partnered with hundreds of interfaith organizations and cities seeking to put into practice the Golden Rule, common to the main faith traditions, of doing unto others as you would be done by. This article sets the Charter within the context of a post secular international society and faith-based diplomacy, in which religious interreligious initiatives emerge as serious, rather than peripheral, actors in developing sustainable peace making through bottom-up approaches. The article critically engages with the Charter's claim that ‘any interpretation of scripture that breeds violence, hatred or disdain is illegitimate’ while accepting that peaceful interpretations of scriptures are helpful to peace processes where religious actors are involved. The article explores the claims of the Charter for Compassion International as they seek to make peace through compassion, before concluding that the Charter for Compassion is a long-term project aimed at changing hearts and minds but has had limited substantive impact to date

    Noninvasive Quantification of Human Nucleus Pulposus Pressure with Use of T1ρ-Weighted Magnetic Resonance Imaging

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    Background: Early diagnosis is a challenge in the treatment of degenerative disc disease. A noninvasive biomarker detecting functional mechanics of the disc is needed. T1ρ-weighted imaging, a spin-lock magnetic resonance imaging technique, has shown promise for meeting this need in in vivo studies demonstrating the clinical feasibility of evaluating both intervertebral discs and articular cartilage. The objectives of the present study were (1) to quantitatively determine the relationship between T1ρ relaxation time and measures of nucleus pulposus mechanics, and (2) to evaluate whether the quantitative relationship of T1ρ relaxation time with the degenerative grade and glycosaminoglycan content extend to more severe degeneration. It was hypothesized that the isometric swelling pressure and compressive modulus would be directly correlated with the T1ρ relaxation time and the apparent permeability would be inversely correlated with the T1ρ relaxation time